Homeschool Day at the Capitol

Each year, HomeschoolWyo arranges a day for homeschoolers to gather at the State Capitol. This is a day to:

  • tour the Capitol building
  • participate in a scavenger hunt
  • learn how to meet your legislator
  • pray for the legislators
  • watch debates on the floor of the Senate and House

This is a great opportunity for both the legislators and homeschool families to meet and interact with each other. Due to Capitol regulations, this event has limited registration availability so be sure to sign up early!

Due to the nature of this event, participants need to be fourth grade and older. Registration opens in January of each year. Don't see the event listed when clicking the button below? Check back later for registration to open - Capitol Day is normally held in January or February.  Update:  Capitol Day 2023 has been cancelled due to staffing issues.  We welcome volunteers to help with Homeschool Wyoming - please reach out at [email protected]


Interested in a Capitol tour for your younger kids? Let us know! Our team is considering a simplified version of this event in the fall for the younger crowd.