Aby Rinella is a former public-school teacher turned passionate homeschool mom. She resides in the mountains of the west, with her college sweetheart and 3 awesome kids, where they enjoy all things outdoors. Aby is a writer, speaker, and podcaster, seeking to encourage and inspire parents to prioritize the calling they have been given, to train up their children in God’s Word, and to stand on truth in a culture that has lost its foundation. Aby, and husband Jesse, are board members of Homeschool Idaho where they work to defend homeschool freedom for future generations. They also work in the outdoor industry, sharing their family’s experiences in the outdoors. Together, the Rinella’s run a non-profit organization, Called Beyond Adventures, that takes families and children impacted by disability, terminal illness, or various obstacles on hunting, fishing, and other outdoor adventures. You can find them at www.calledtothetop.com