Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key benefits to joining Homeschool Wyo?

When you join Homeschool Wyo you receive a network of resources including legislative updates, timely emails.ongoing activities, and connection to a network of supportive families through our Homeschool Neighborhood. You also support our efforts to protect your right to homeschool in Wyoming and help us to bring nationally recognized speakers to our Homeschool Wyoming convention.

I’m looking into homeschooling for the first time. Where is the best place to start?

We applaud you for your interest in homeschooling! If you are a Wyoming resident, we recommend you start here with a partnership in our community. We will connect you with resources to make an informed decision for your family. Also be sure to look through the resources we've compiled for you here.

I’m seeking homeschooling support in Wyoming, but is HomeschoolWyo for Christian families only?

Partnership in HomeschoolWyo is open to all family-funded, parent-directed, home educating families in Wyoming and therefore not just Christian families. HomeschoolWyo board of director leadership is couple-based and Christian-directed.

I’m new to homeschooling, how do I choose a curriculum?

First off: pray! The best advice I was given when I first started homeschooling was to give yourself at least 3 years to find out what works for you and your children. Become a student of your children; learn their learning styles, likes and dislikes, struggles and what comes naturally. All of these things will help you wade through the mounds of options for curriculum. Continue to pray and remember: the curriculum is just a guide for you. You are your students best teacher! Make the curriculum work for you, don’t be a slave to it! We've compiled a brief list of curriculum to get you started that you can view here.

How does Homeschool Wyo define "homeschooling"?

We define homeschooling as parent-directed, home-based, and privately-funded education.

You can read more about why maintaining this definition is so important in this blog post.

Join our Homeschool Neighborhood today!