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Homeschoolers and the Hathaway

Did you know that homeschoolers in Wyoming can qualify for the Hathaway Scholarship? 

The Hathaway Scholarship Program provides money for all qualified Wyoming high school graduates to go to college. Learn which high school courses are required to receive the different scholarship tiers and plan to reach these goals in order to earn money for your education.

This course is available for Premium and Lifetime Partners Only! 

How the Hathaway Began

In 2005, the state of Wyoming developed a program to give each Wyoming student the opportunity to attend college. The Wyoming legislature honored former Governor Stanley K. Hathaway by developing a scholarship program from the permanent Mineral Trust Fund he set up. Because of this trust fund, every year the state of Wyoming is able to invest over $17 million dollars and over 5,800 scholarships to students to help them go to college in Wyoming.

Wyoming students have a unique opportunity unlike any other state and the information here will help you get your Hathaway Scholarship! Every Wyoming student has the opportunity to use the Hathaway Scholarship. Don’t miss out; make sure you’re one of them!

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